Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If you want have to earn it kids....

At least that's what Dwayne told his they're providing us with Handmade Chocolate Candies for Easter! Here's the note that Dwayne gave me about his kids and the candy!
EASTER CANDY: HANDMADE by Ian and Chloe (with very close supervision)
"If you want it, you have to earn it!"
The kids were wanting to have money for the trip planned this summer, and well...nothing is free! So Kathy and I realized that we were given an opportunity to teach a life lesson! So they are making handmade chocolate candies for easter, and selling them in our store to earn money for the trip! Also realizing they needed to give back/pay it forward, the kids decided without a second of thought that they were going to give part of their earnings to help the Red Cross to help all of those suffering in Japan.

The chocolates are available in limited quantities in the store until Easter, ALTHOUGH we are taking orders on the chocolated candies for people. Lists are already growing, so don't waste any time, they're small children and can't produce them out like Hersheys! What are the kids providing? Pure, Solid Chocolate Bunnies (in 2 sizes, above is the smaller $1 bunny, below is the $2 larger bunny) as well as chocolate suckers for $0.50 each! By the way they are good! I've eaten some of their profits - sorry kids! ;)
You can call the store at 859.523.3933 to order you chocolates.

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